Monday, March 21, 2016

What Is a Prenuptial Agreement?

You may have heard it referred to as a prenup.  It is a contract that you enter into prior to marriage that defines concerning ownership of property both before and after marriage.  No matter what the genders of the partners a prenup may or may not be right for you.

A prenuptial agreement has a wide variety of possibilities.  Commonly it includes the division of property and support of one spouse or the other in the event of a dissolution of the marriage (i.e. divorce).   In the State of Washington, the law gives individuals broad discretion to define their property rights.  Variations on prenuptial agreements include post-nuptial agreements, separate property agreements, co-habitation agreements, and separation agreements.

Prenuptial agreements are recognized, but are not always enforced.  To be valid, the agreement must be fair to both sides.  There must be full disclosure of all assets and their values before entering into the agreement.  Each party should seek separate attorney representation before signing the agreement.  The agreement must be in writing, signed and notarized.  Remember that oral prenups are not valid.

It is important to find an attorney with many decades of handling prenuptial agreements in the Seattle area.  Contact the office of Lyle Clark today at (425) 452-3092.  Have a frank and open discussion with him about the merits of this important document in your future.  Get a thorough explanation of all the elements that go into a prenuptial agreement.

Monday, March 7, 2016

What are the Fault Grounds of a Divorce?

There is the dissolution of a marriage and there is divorce.  The gender of each partner now has no bearing on either in the state of Washington.  In order to obtain a divorce in the state one of the parties has to prove that the other has been at fault under one of the statutory grounds.  So exactly what are the fault grounds of a divorce?

Fault grounds are described as reasons that are commonly accepted in which one spouse takes the other to court to ask for a divorce.  By law these may include adultery, willingly being absent for more than 12 months, extreme cruelty, habitual abuse of alcohol and/or other substances and more examples that may defined by your divorce attorney.

To discover any and all of the fault grounds in the state of Washington you need to seek the council of a family lawyer with three and a half decades of experience in handling divorce cases.  Contact the office of Lyle Clark today at (425) 452-3092.  Have a frank and open discussion with someone who will not judge, but help you make the proper decision.  Make that call TODAY!